
Are you, as a leader, dreaming about having more inspired employees and more happy, satisfied customers?

The road to this dream goes through sense-making leadership communication. We at Inspired WorkForce can help you in spotting and repairing weak links in the organizational communication. We have many years of experience and results, probably also from an organization like yours.

Our vision is to constantly optimize the organizational communication, so that leaders, employees, and units are closely connected. It is an essential prerequisite for creating inspiration and a close, coordinated collaboration and hereby maximum value for the organization’s customers.
As organization and leader, one shouldn’t accept if the communication between people and units has turned bad. Therefore, we recommend continuously to spot and repair weak links in the communication.

Sense-giving and sense-making leadership communication contains many facets, we offer help in:

  • Developing and communicating the basic organizational storytelling, vision, and strategy
  • Develop and communicate the values of the organization in such a way that they make sense and are lived out in the various units
  • Create awareness in the leaders about their own communication and from here make and complete a competence development plan either individually or for the whole leadership group
  • Develop a shared leadership foundation, leadership communication and values in the leadership group
  • Develop and deal with the communication and the storytelling about strategic change projects in parts of the organization or the whole organization, units, and teams
  • Help leaders in having better employee dialogues: Coaching, conflict solving, annual performance revues, team coaching, feed-back and feed-forward, the difficult conversations, hire – and fire conversations
  • Uncover and re-formulate narratives as an effective communicative tool in creating strong, productive stories and forming a healthy culture
  • Train team-leaders, project-leaders and co-ordinators in communication, so that they get followers to their leadership and thus succeed in meeting the best possible results