About us
Inge W. Faarborg, co-founder of IWF
Presence in communication, engagement, and inspiring leadership is the flame that I wish to feed together with my customers. It begins with a spark, old habits will be challenged, and new possibilities arise.
I am born and raised as the florist’s daughter from Skæring, Jutland, where processing and growth was in focus. Greenhousing, light, water, and hard work went hand in hand with earthy presence. Curiosity and trusting parents led me to an education in dramatugy and later studies in the psychology of organizations.
I have more than 25 years of experience in leadership, facilitation of processes, and many kinds of counselling conversations, development, and teaching. Latest, 7 years as business advisor in CfL, (The Danish Centre for Leadership) and before that 13 years as commissioning editor, leader of artistic council for Radio Theatre, and producer at DR, (National Broadcasting Company).
I combine the professional skills of dramaturgy and psychology of organizations, when I carefully listen to the needs of the individuals and the organisation. What is at stake, also between the lines, or under the surface? And how do we get the message across to the relevant stakeholders, be it as inspiring leadership or relations with the customers.
When I work with processes and development both relations and business is at the centre. I give, and I help my customers hold on to the lifegiving presence in communication, inspiration, energy, and insight. Both body and brain will be activated working with me.
Career, facts from the CV:MA in Dramaturgy, University of Aarhus (1988), Master of Psychology Of Organizations, University Of Roskilde (2014), external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) since 2015.
Certifications: JTI, Jungian Type Index, 2006, Situational Leadership(SLII) 2009, SLX High Impact 2015, LEA, Leadership Equity Assesment, 2014, Decisions Dynamics Career Model™ 2015.